HST-2 has provided a basic support to enable developers to utilize Spring Framework IoC container for HST components. [1]
Now, HST-2 provides even more. It supports Spring Web MVC Framework based applications under HST-2 environment! Using Spring Web MVC Framework in HST-2 based application development, developers can make use of very useful features that Spring Web MVC Framework is providing, such as clear separation of roles (controller, validator, command object, form object, model object, handler mapping, view resolver, etc.), high configurability, customizability and flexibility.
Acknowledgement: I wrote and tested this Spring Web MVC Framework bridging solution with Spring Framework 2.5.6. However, I think this bridging solution would work with Spring Framework 1.1.5 or later version because the bridging solution depends on the followings only:
- The bridging solution's extended DispatcherServlet needs to override
protected void render(ModelAndView mv, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response), which was added since Spring Framework 1.1.5.
- The bridging solution is using simple URL dispatching to spring managed URLs, which has been already in the core part of Spring Web MVC Framework since its origination.
1. A Simple Form Controller Example: Contact-SpringMVC
You can build and run a Spring Web MVC Framework integration example. This example is available since HST-2.03.07.- Build all:
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests
- Run a testsuite's cms application:
$ cd testsuite/cms
$ mvn jetty:run-war
- Run a testsuite's site application:
$ cd testsuite/site
$ mvn jetty:run
- Visit http://localhost:8080/site/preview/news
Now, click the "Contact-SpringMVC" link on the left menu. You can see a page like the following:
If you enter some invalid information, e.g., "wicky" as email, the page will show some validation errors which were generated by the Spring Web MVC Framework like the following:
Now, let's fill valid information and it will show a success view which is defined in the Spring Web MVC configurations.
Here's the simplified configuration for the above Spring Web MVC Framework based application.
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <!-- /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml --> <beans> <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver"> <property name="viewClass" value="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView"/> <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"/> <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/> </bean> <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping"> <property name="mappings"> <value> /spring/contactspringmvc.do = contactFormController </value> </property> </bean> <!-- Spring Web MVC Integration Example --> <bean id="contactFormController" class="org.hippoecm.hst.springmvc.ContactFormController"> <property name="mailSender" ref="mailSender" /> <property name="templateMessage" ref="templateMessage" /> <property name="formView" value="/spring/contactspringmvc-form"/> <property name="successView" value="/spring/contactspringmvc-success"/> <property name="commandName" value="contactMessage"/> <property name="commandClass" value="org.hippoecm.hst.springmvc.ContactMessageBean"/> <property name="validateOnBinding" value="true"/> <property name="validators"> <list> <bean class="org.hippoecm.hst.springmvc.ContactMessageValidator" /> </list> </property> </bean> <beans>
There's nothing new. Every beans in the applicationContext.xml are just normal beans which can be found in just a normal Spring Web MVC Framework applications.
The only connection point from HST-2 container is the following component configurations in the repository:
<sv:node sv:name="contactspringmvcform"> <sv:property sv:name="jcr:primaryType" sv:type="Name"> <sv:value>hst:component</sv:value> </sv:property> <sv:property sv:name="hst:template" sv:type="String"> <sv:value>contactspringmvc</sv:value> </sv:property> <sv:property sv:name="hst:componentclassname" sv:type="String"> <sv:value>org.hippoecm.hst.component.support.SimpleDispatcherHstComponent</sv:value> </sv:property> <sv:property sv:name="hst:parameternames" sv:type="String"> <sv:value>action-path</sv:value> </sv:property> <sv:property sv:name="hst:parametervalues" sv:type="String"> <sv:value>/spring/contactspringmvc.do</sv:value> </sv:property> </sv:node>
The Contact-SpringMVC example has one component, "contactspringmvcform", which component class should be set to "org.hippoecm.hst.component.support.SimpleDispatcherHstComponent" to enable bridging to a pure Spring Web MVC Framework application.
Please note that this bridge component can have additional parameters as follows:
Name | Description |
dispatch-path | The default dispatch path, to which the container dispatches on each invocation. |
action-path | The dispatch path for doAction() invocation of the component. If this is not configured, then 'dispatch-path' would be used instead. |
before-render-path | The dispatch path for doBeforeRender() invocation of the component. If this is not configured, then 'dispatch-path' would be used instead. |
render-path | The dispatch path for rendering phase. If this is not configured, then 'dispatch-path' would be used instead. |
before-resource-path | The dispatch path for doBeforeServeResource() invocation of the component. If this is not configured, then 'dispatch-path' would be used instead. |
resource-path | The dispatch path for resource serving phase. If this is not configured, then 'dispatch-path' would be used instead. |
The bridge component, "org.hippoecm.hst.component.support.SimpleDispatcherHstComponent", delegates all invocations by dispatching to configured paths.
Finally, you need to configure an extended Dispatcher Servlet in web.xml to run this example:
<servlet> <servlet-name>HstDispatcherServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.hippoecm.hst.component.support.spring.mvc.HstDispatcherServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml</param-value> </init-param> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>HstDispatcherServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
The only difference is that the extended Dispatcher Servlet, "org.hippoecm.hst.component.support.spring.mvc.HstDispatcherServlet" should be used instead of the default "org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet" of Spring Web MVC Framework.
The reason why this is necessary is explained in the next section.
In summary, you can use Spring Web MVC based application for HST-2 component development.
- To enable this bridging from HST-2 container, you need to use the delegator component, "org.hippoecm.hst.component.support.SimpleDispatcherHstComponent".
- To allow seamless bridging from HST-2 container, you need to use the "org.hippoecm.hst.component.support.spring.mvc.HstDispatcherServlet" in your web.xml.
- You need to configure some parameters such as "action-path" for the delegator comopnent, "org.hippoecm.hst.component.support.SimpleDispatcherHstComponent".
- You can now make use of all features provided by Spring Web MVC Framework such as validating, form controller, etc.!
2. The Internal with Architectural Explanation
2.1. Introduction to HST-2 request processing
I think it is a good time to explain briefly about the request processing architecture here because it is fundamental to understand the bridging solution.For simplicity, I'd like to show an interaction between the HST container and each HST component here instead of explaining all details.
The basic interactions can be depicted as follows.
In the above diagram, the followings are assumed:
- The client is requesting a page which maps to a page configuration which is composed of a root HstComponents, "Parent"
- The "Parent" component has two child components, "LeftChild" and "RightChild". These two child components are siblings.
- At the time, the client is submitting a form included in the HstComponent, "RightChild".
The interaction sequences would be like the following in this case:
- Client requests to HST-2 container.
- Because the client is submitting a form by an action URL, the container invokes doAction() of "RightChild".
- The container redirects to a render page.
(Because the container aggregates multiple components in a page, the action phase should be separated from the render phase of all components. HST-2 container's aggregation implies the PRG pattern. [2]) - Client requests to the render page.
- The container invokes doBeforeRender() of each component. The invocation order of doBeforeRender() is from parent to child. The invocation order between siblings is not specified.
- The container dispatches to the render path of each component. The dispatch order of render page of component is from child to parent. The invocation order between siblings is not specified.
- A parent component's render page can include the rendered content of a child component.
- The container writes the aggregated content to the client.
Here are important things to note as a bridge solution developer:
- Because the action phase request and render phase request are separated in HST-2 request processing, the web application framework should not assume that the request would be shared between the two phases.
For example, when you use SimpleFormController of Spring Web MVC Framework with a form view page and a validator, if a user enters invalid information in the form, the dispatcher would render the form view again with some validation error information. Internally, this information is stored in a ModelAndView object to be rendered in the render phase. This cannot work in HST-2 request processing because the requests are not shared between action phase and render phase.
Therefore, that kind of shared information between action phase and render phase should be passed correctly between two separate request processing phases by bridging solutions. - By the way, because HST request and response objects are just extended objects to the default HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse, the other bridging integration stuffs could be easier than expected in other technologies such as Apache Portals Bridge. [3]
Because HST request and response objects are just HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects, we can think of a very simple bridging solution. We can create a HstComponent which dispatches all invocation to the specified dispatch path. In this case, all necessary handlings should be done by the dispatched servlet or JSP page.
This is covered in the next section.
2.2. A very simple bridging solution: SimpleDispatcherHstComponent
This component is the simplest bridging solution to native servlet-based applications.Here's the simplified source:
package org.hippoecm.hst.component.support; public class SimpleDispatcherHstComponent extends GenericHstComponent { public static final String LIFECYCLE_PHASE_ATTRIBUTE = SimpleDispatcherHstComponent.class.getName() + ".lifecycle.phase"; public static final String BEFORE_RENDER_PHASE = "BEFORE_RENDER_PHASE"; public static final String DISPATCH_PATH_PARAM_NAME = "dispatch-path"; public static final String BEFORE_RENDER_PATH_PARAM_NAME = "before-render-path"; public static final String RENDER_PATH_PARAM_NAME = "render-path"; public static final String ACTION_PATH_PARAM_NAME = "action-path"; @Override public void doAction(HstRequest request, HstResponse response) throws HstComponentException { doDispatch(getDispatchPathParameter(request, request.getLifecyclePhase()), request, response); } @Override public void doBeforeRender(HstRequest request, HstResponse response) throws HstComponentException { request.setAttribute(LIFECYCLE_PHASE_ATTRIBUTE, BEFORE_RENDER_PHASE); String dispatchPath = getDispatchPathParameter(request, request.getLifecyclePhase()); if (dispatchPath != null) { response.setRenderPath(dispatchPath); } try { doDispatch(getDispatchPathParameter(request, BEFORE_RENDER_PHASE), request, response); } finally { request.removeAttribute(LIFECYCLE_PHASE_ATTRIBUTE); } } protected void doDispatch(String dispatchPath, HstRequest request, HstResponse response) throws HstComponentException { if (dispatchPath != null) { try { getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(dispatchPath).include(request, response); } catch (ServletException e) { throw new HstComponentException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HstComponentException(e); } } } protected String getDispatchPathParameter(HstRequest request, String lifecyclePhase) { String dispatchPath = null; if (BEFORE_RENDER_PHASE.equals(lifecyclePhase)) { dispatchPath = getParameter(BEFORE_RENDER_PATH_PARAM_NAME, request, null); } else if (HstRequest.RENDER_PHASE.equals(lifecyclePhase)) { dispatchPath = getParameter(RENDER_PATH_PARAM_NAME, request, null); } else if (HstRequest.ACTION_PHASE.equals(lifecyclePhase)) { dispatchPath = getParameter(ACTION_PATH_PARAM_NAME, request, null); } if (dispatchPath == null) { dispatchPath = getParameter(DISPATCH_PATH_PARAM_NAME, request, null); } if (dispatchPath != null) { if (dispatchPath.charAt(0) != '/') { dispatchPath = new StringBuilder(dispatchPath.length() + 1).append('/').append(dispatchPath).toString(); } } return dispatchPath; } protected String getParameter(String name, HstRequest request, String defaultValue) { String value = (String) this.getComponentConfiguration().getParameter(name, request.getRequestContext().getResolvedSiteMapItem()); return (value != null ? value : defaultValue); } }
In the above component, doAction() just dispatches to a dispatch path, which is configured by 'action-path' or falled back to 'dispatch-path' if 'action-path' is not specified in the repository configuration.
And, doBeforeRender() just dispatches to a dispatch path, which is configured by 'before-render-path' or falled back to 'dispatch-path' if 'before-render-path' is not specified in the repository configuration. Also, it sets the render path dynamically by the configuration value for 'render-path', which can be falled back to 'dispatch-path' if not configured.
So, when the container invokes doAction() or doBeforeRender() of this component, it actually dispatches to the native servlet or JSP pages. Also, the container would invoke the render path dynamically set by this component.
The remaining thing is to write the dispatched servlet or JSP page to handle all the invocation correctly.
In most web application framework, the frontend controller should be a servlet, but I'd like to use a simple JSP page for simplicity here.
The above component should have a paramter 'dispatch-url' set to 'jsp/components/contactdispatch.jsp'.
Here is an example native JSP page to handle those (as a simplified version):
<%-- contactdispatch.jsp --%> <%! private static String[] formFields = {"name","email","textarea"}; private void doBeforeRender(HstRequest request, HstResponse response) throws HstComponentException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); FormMap formMap = (FormMap) session.getAttribute("contactdispatch:formMap"); if (formMap == null) { formMap = new FormMap(); session.setAttribute("contactdispatch:formMap", formMap); } request.setAttribute("form", formMap); } private void doAction(HstRequest request, HstResponse response) throws HstComponentException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); FormMap formMap = new FormMap(request, formFields); session.setAttribute("contactdispatch:formMap", formMap); // Do a really simple validation: if (formMap.getField("email") != null && formMap.getField("email").contains("@")) { // success // do your business logic // possible do a redirect to a thankyou page: do not use directly response.sendRedirect; HstSiteMapItem item = request.getRequestContext().getResolvedSiteMapItem().getHstSiteMapItem().getChild("thankyou"); if (item != null) { sendRedirect(request, response, item.getId()); } else { log.warn("Cannot redirect because siteMapItem not found. "); } } else { // validation failed. Persist form map, and add possible error messages to the formMap formMap.addMessage("email", "Email address must contain '@'"); } } private void sendRedirect(HstRequest request, HstResponse response, String redirectToSiteMapItemId) { HstLinkCreator linkCreator = request.getRequestContext().getHstLinkCreator(); HstSiteMap siteMap = request.getRequestContext().getResolvedSiteMapItem().getHstSiteMapItem().getHstSiteMap(); HstLink link = linkCreator.create(siteMap.getSiteMapItemById(redirectToSiteMapItemId)); StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(); for (String elem : link.getPathElements()) { String enc = response.encodeURL(elem); url.append("/").append(enc); } String urlString = ((HstResponse) response).createNavigationalURL(url.toString()).toString(); try { response.sendRedirect(urlString); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HstComponentException("Could not redirect. ",e); } } %> <% HstRequest hstRequest = (HstRequest) request; HstResponse hstResponse = (HstResponse) response; String hstRequestLifecyclePhase = hstRequest.getLifecyclePhase(); String dispatchLifecyclePhase = (String) hstRequest.getAttribute(SimpleDispatcherHstComponent.LIFECYCLE_PHASE_ATTRIBUTE); if (HstRequest.ACTION_PHASE.equals(hstRequestLifecyclePhase)) { doAction(hstRequest, hstResponse); } else if (SimpleDispatcherHstComponent.BEFORE_RENDER_PHASE.equals(dispatchLifecyclePhase)) { doBeforeRender(hstRequest, hstResponse); } else if (HstRequest.RENDER_PHASE.equals(hstRequestLifecyclePhase)) { %> <div> <form method="POST" name="myform" action="<hst:actionURL/>"> <input type="hidden" name="previous" value="${form.previous}"/> <br/> <table> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="name" value="${form.value['name']}" /></td> <td><font style="color:red">${form.message['name']}</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email</td> <td><input type="text" name="email" value="${form.value['email']}"/></td> <td><font style="color:red">${form.message['email']}</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Text</td> <td><textarea name="textarea">${form.value['textarea']}</textarea></td> <td><font style="color:red">${form.message['textarea']}</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <c:if test="${form.previous != null}"> <input type="submit" name="prev" value="prev"/> </c:if> </td> <td><input type="submit" value="send"/></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> <% } %>
Because the component just dispatches each invocation to a dispatch path, the above JSP pages should handle everything correctly.
The following JSP scriptlets detect the request process lifecycle phases and invoke the proper methods, which were just copied from the existing Contact component example.
<% if (HstRequest.ACTION_PHASE.equals(hstRequestLifecyclePhase)) { doAction(hstRequest, hstResponse); } else if (SimpleDispatcherHstComponent.BEFORE_RENDER_PHASE.equals(dispatchLifecyclePhase)) { doBeforeRender(hstRequest, hstResponse); } else if (HstRequest.RENDER_PHASE.equals(hstRequestLifecyclePhase)) { %> //... <% } %>
So, any kind of servlet based application can control everything by using this kind of technique.
2.3. An extended DispatcherServlet: HstDispatcherServlet
In the Spring Web MVC Framework bridging solution, the simplest bridging component, "SimpleDispatcherHstComponent
", is used, and the 'action-path' parameter is just set to a spring managed URL like '/spring/contactspringmvc.do'.So, we can say that the frontend controller should handle everything.
For this reason, we provide a dispatcher servlet, "HstDispatcherServlet", which extends the default DispatcherServlet.
The responsibility of HstDispatcherServlet is very simple. It should pass the ModelAndView object from the action request phase to render request phase:
- After completing action phase, it should store the ModelAndView object into session attributes temporarily.
- Before doing render phase, it should restore the ModelAndView object from the session attributes if available.
HstDispatcherServlet just overrides the method, render(ModelAndView mv, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) of the default DispatcherServlet to accomplish this.
[1] http://woonsanko.blogspot.com/2012/07/spring-framework-support-in-hst-2.html[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post/Redirect/Get
[3] http://portals.apache.org/bridges/
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